I thought long and hard about the name for my career coaching business, Career Revelations. Truth be told, I considered every possible clever alliteration with ‘career’ or ‘job’, only to find that most of them had already been taken! Fortunately, through a helpful questionnaire from my website designer, I was able to write down what and who I really wanted to be as a career coach and job search expert. I realized that a career is a journey not a step. We discover ‘things’ and our feelings about those things along this wild ride called a career. We learn about ourselves and the world around us. These are our REVELATIONS. These revelations shape how and where we will make our next move, with whom we will associate, and how we will modify our behaviors.
As I reflect on 2015 and plan for the new year, I will focus on REVELATIONS over resolutions.
Revelation #1: People WANT to Help with your Career.
I have learned from my clients, especially early career job seekers that they are afraid to talk about their job search. Or they are unhappy in their jobs and don’t know where to go next. Clients say, “I would just be bothering her. I am not sure exactly what I want to do. I am so nervous when talking to a senior executive”. I understand. Networking is an art, not a science. But if you start your networking with the premise that most people are good and empathetic because they had to start somewhere too, then it makes the process so much easier. Schedule a coffee. Grab a quick lunch with someone in your field of choice. They will make time for you and can often provide helpful guidance in your job search or career path, even if only to introduce you to someone else.
As a entrepreneur, I am always “job searching”. I continue to find many wonderful past colleagues or new connections who are willing to listen and direct me to exciting people and opportunities. I am excited for the possibilities and am grateful for the support along the way.
Revelation #2: Work Hard and the Money will Follow.
I have a confession. I am greedy. However, my primary motivation is not money or wealth. Rather, I am fueled by encouraging and supporting others in their job search through my consultation services. I am focused on helping others navigate the job market or their current corporation so that they can minimize their angst, gain some confidence and ENJOY their career journey. But I expect to get paid in line with my 24 years of professional experience. I have every confidence in new year that with this attitude, the money will follow.
You should expect the same in your career. Yes, there are a multitude of market value compensation surveys available to you. Yes, you should effectively negotiate during the job offer process. (Trust me, you’ll rarely be able to do it later!). But, prepare to work hard FIRST, get noticed for your efforts, and then the compensation will increase OVER time. We are a “want it yesterday” society. You are always going to have friends who make more money, but if you stay focused, you will see the reward OVER time. Remember, your career is a journey, not a step.
Revelation #3: Family Comes FIRST!
As parents of 19-month old twins, my husband and I are just a little sleep deprived. It can be a challenge to get out of bed in the morning (especially because ‘morning’ apparently means different things to our kids!). We can dread going to work at the office or the kitchen table. We constantly reevaluate why we are doing “this”. What is the purpose of our journey? What really fuels us? It keeps coming back to one word.
We do “this” for our kids. We do “this” so we can have a date night once and a while. We do “this” so that our kids can take music classes and sing ‘Wheels on the Bus” for the 1000th time.
Why do you do what you do?
Single people. Hear me. Your family may look different than ours, but your journey matters. There is no amount of work that is worth your physical and mental health. Take care of you. Because the world needs you. This revelation may just shape your new year and the career choices that you make.
I know it has for me.
What are your New Year’s Revelations? Here’s to you and the joy in the discovery process.
Reach out to me at Elaine@careerrevelations.com. I would love to help you with your job search or career journey.