Career Revelations Shares Its Expertise
With over 25 years of professional experience, we are excited to share our thoughts on career-related topics with readers everywhere!
You’ve worked hard for the last 4 years in college, but you never could have expected that you would not have landed your dream job. Okay, any job. Maybe you changed your major halfway through college. Maybe you received a job offer, but it wasn’t what you wanted to do, or maybe if you’re really honest, […]
I thought long and hard about the name for my career coaching business, Career Revelations. Truth be told, I considered every possible clever alliteration with ‘career’ or ‘job’, only to find that most of them had already been taken! Fortunately, through a helpful questionnaire from my website designer, I was able to write down what and who I really wanted to be […]
When my husband and I learned last fall that we were having twins, we went through a series of emotions – joy, elation, excitement… fear….Both of us are in our 40’s and have worked in corporate America since college. While we have nieces and nephews, having our own child, much less two, was NOT familiar territory. […]
You’ve polished your resume, dusted off your suit, applied for jobs everywhere you can think of and then you finally get a call for a phone screen. Maybe this even leads to an in-person interview. You’re excited about the possibilities of this job. You thought the interview went well… Then…wait for it….wait for it…Nothing. Nada. […]
You worked hard to obtain an internship in your field. Hours of review on your resume, countless interviews, and maybe even a new suit. But after 10 weeks of blood, sweat and tears to prove yourself, you didn’t receive a full time offer. Ouch! As you return for your senior year, you look around and […]